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Apr 2 英语新闻精选:科比谢幕战毛巾再拍卖 Kobe's towel sells for $33K,Kobe's towel sells for $33K科比谢幕战毛巾再拍卖The towel that was draped over the shoulders of Kobe Bryant during his farewell

#TOP我爱学英语#Esau Sells His Birthright,存眷"大众号,答复“我爱学英语”获得收费英语进修机遇,收听语音讲授.Esau Sells His Birthright27 As the boys grew up, Esau

经典英语美文朗读10篇,超简单的儿童英文小诗!(音频跟读),英语白话·吉米先生说 10首精选少儿英文诗歌,感触感染朗读之美!英语·经典美文起源收集,版权归原作者一切01 1 Nod your Head 点


从零学英语 音标 | Day16 Review & Practise,- Friday - 置顶【英语共读】,完善应用碎片时间学英语Lesson Eight子音[ʃ] [ʒ] [tʃ] [dʒ] [l] [r] [tr] [dr]有书君推举“你缺乏的只是从零

读新闻,学英语 | A shop sells lost things,He sells everything on the first day. The store usually sells only a third of what it gets. He recycles some things, too. Some things even go

考验你的发音!英语绕口令大挑战,你能读几句?,一路来看看英语的绕口令吧~热热身A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.一盒饼干,一炉混杂口胃饼干.Betty beat a bit of butter

【初中英语】中考英语二轮复习题型专项突破(重点句型),(我觉察学好英语是很有效的)find +宾语 +名词 eg.I find him a good boy. (我发明他是个好男孩.)find +宾语 +描述词 eg.I find the

【5.15 英语】不想满心遗憾,那就拼尽全力,m B.sells 五年级英语5月15日选词填空.Li Ling is a student in Huaying School. Her home is next to the school.